critter detective
The first step to solving any problem is to first identify the problem. Here are some signs that you may have a critter problem and a list of animals we specialize in removing and excluding from your structure.

Rats and Mice
Rats and mice are the most common critters. These small creatures can create a huge problem. Common in both city and country, rats and mice love to infiltrate basements, crawlspaces, and attics. They will infest kitchens, pantries, and closets and chew on wiring or even chew right through walls! These animals reproduce incredibly quickly and take over. They nest in insulation and ducting which creates a very unhealthy and possibly hazardous environment. Rats and mice carry fleas and ticks and can infect your home or structure with them as well. Rats and mice can also carry very dangerous diseases such as Hantavirus, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, and other threatening infections.
Rats and mice are the most common critters. These small creatures can create a huge problem. Common in both city and country, rats and mice love to infiltrate basements, crawlspaces, and attics. They will infest kitchens, pantries, and closets and chew on wiring or even chew right through walls! These animals reproduce incredibly quickly and take over. They nest in insulation and ducting which creates a very unhealthy and possibly hazardous environment. Rats and mice carry fleas and ticks and can infect your home or structure with them as well. Rats and mice can also carry very dangerous diseases such as Hantavirus, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, and other threatening infections.

Rats and mice leave a trail wherever they go. This is one way they navigate through your structure. Rats and mice are predominantly nocturnal and have poor eyesight. They follow their own trail of fecal matter and rub their body oils and scent wherever they go, this also attracts more rodents. Rats and mice will often use a structure as shelter for nesting and will travel 100 to 200 feet from their nest for food.

Rats and mice can squeeze their bodies through tiny openings, sometimes as small as a dime. They can climb up tiny wires or cracks on your structure and even drop onto the roof from a tree. They often leave oily rub marks in areas they commonly travel over as shown here (left).They often travel over wiring or plumbing and will nest in insulation any time they can.

Raccoons are very dangerous critters. They are also predominantly nocturnal however these animals are intelligent, crafty, and often vicious. They are a danger to pets and people and should not be approached by a non-professional.
Raccoons often use attics or crawlspaces to nest and birth their young. Raccoons also carry fleas and ticks as well as diseases like Salmonellosis and Rabies.
Raccoons are very dangerous critters. They are also predominantly nocturnal however these animals are intelligent, crafty, and often vicious. They are a danger to pets and people and should not be approached by a non-professional.
Raccoons often use attics or crawlspaces to nest and birth their young. Raccoons also carry fleas and ticks as well as diseases like Salmonellosis and Rabies.

Raccoon feces looks very much like cat leavings. Raccoon feces however are very dangerous to humans carrying very dangerous parasites such as roundworm.

Bats can make quite a mess out of an attic or overhang. They can nest in tiny holes or cracks on your structure and often take over an attic very quickly. Bats travel and live in large swarms and are nocturnal. Bats carry fleas, mites, and can carry transmittable diseases such as rabies. Bats should never be handled (dead or alive) by a nonprofessional.
Bats can make quite a mess out of an attic or overhang. They can nest in tiny holes or cracks on your structure and often take over an attic very quickly. Bats travel and live in large swarms and are nocturnal. Bats carry fleas, mites, and can carry transmittable diseases such as rabies. Bats should never be handled (dead or alive) by a nonprofessional.

bat feces can often be confused with rat droppings because they look very similar. Bat droppings are very dangerous to pets and humans containing fungus and parasites.They also attract insects and rodents.

Skunks are real stinkers! Skunks will often use crawlspaces to mate and birth their young. Male skunks will fight over females spraying each other marking territory and can make an entire structure uninhabitable. These are also vicious animals and should never be approached by a nonprofessional. Skunks also carry fleas, ticks, and infectious diseases such as Leptospirosis and Rabies.
Skunks are real stinkers! Skunks will often use crawlspaces to mate and birth their young. Male skunks will fight over females spraying each other marking territory and can make an entire structure uninhabitable. These are also vicious animals and should never be approached by a nonprofessional. Skunks also carry fleas, ticks, and infectious diseases such as Leptospirosis and Rabies.

Opossums are bold and vicious and should never be approached by a nonprofessional. Opossums use attics and crawlspaces for shelter to nest and birth their young. They also carry fleas, ticks, mites, and infectious diseases such as Salmonellosis and Tularemia.
Opossums are bold and vicious and should never be approached by a nonprofessional. Opossums use attics and crawlspaces for shelter to nest and birth their young. They also carry fleas, ticks, mites, and infectious diseases such as Salmonellosis and Tularemia.